As far as we can tell, Anthony Fremont, whose namesake adorns Anthony Fremont's Garden Solutions is not in fact a physical member of the Ohio math-noise quartet. Rather, he is (purportedly) a 6 year old monster who, in between transmogrifying reality based on the thoughts he hears inside people's minds, writes music vicariously through guitarist Marcus Drake.
Four years have passed since Sacramento-based math wierdos, Tera Melosreleased their last record, Xe’d out; a gap which, aside from their month-long US tour with Chon and company, earlier this year, has seen the band remain relatively quiet...
One might be forgiven for hearing South Korea's Visuals and expecting a pop-up carnival. In their wild debut Lekker, the band bring together a bounty of lavish staccato-style guitar effects and samples, the sort that give bands like Battles and Adebisi Shank their oddball and fantastical flavors.
Bronze Mystic showcases exceptionally powerful experimental math writing, which sounds clean and clear. Just don’t say you’ll break up again, guys… please?