Fecking Bahamas are proud to present our first compilation Fecking Bahamas I. Japan. This free 21-track compilation complements our recent article on the Japanese math rock scene, and showcases the diverse and exciting range of math rock across Japan.
Featured artists:
1. LITE (lite-web.com)
2. Low-pass (low-pass.jp)
3. missippiroid (mississippiroid.web.fc2.com)
4. Uchu Conbini (uchuconbini.com)
5. Clean Of Core (cleanofcore.com)
6. Marmalade butcher (marmalade-b.web.wox.cc)
7. Yoso-wa-yoso (yosowayoso.net)
8. sajjanu (sajjanupechiku.wix.com/sajjanu)
9. chikyunokiki (chikyunokiki.net)
10. CARNIVAL (carnival@sskrstudio.com)
11. NENGU (neng.bandcamp.com)
12. NINGEN OK (ab.auone-net.jp/~ningenok)
13. te_ri (murakaminaoki.tumblr.com)
14. mothercoat (mothercoat.bandcamp.com)
15. cetow (cetow-4piece.jimdo.com)
16. NETWORKS (networks.strikingly.com)
17. Lop Abuse On Somebody (lopabuseonsomebody.com)
18. MOMA (moma-jp.tumblr.com)
19. LOOP POOL (looppool.jp)
20. LILI LIMIT (lililimit.tumblr.com)
21. Atlantis Airport (atlantisairport.com)
Our artwork explained
We asked a number of bands to each give us a random word, from which we would choose three to illustrate our cover. In the end we chose tricot, MOMA and Atlantis Airport for their words, ‘exploding’, ‘sun’ and ‘katana’, respectively. We then gave the words to a talented Japanese artist, Chiki (ใกใ), for her to improvise a drawing.
Chiki’s artwork is truly amazing. The word ‘exploding’ is incorporated into the cover as a bursting of bodies, alluding to the de-compartmentalised yet fleshy and organic nature of math music. The word ‘katana’ is represented by the flower ‘Hibiscus mutabilis’. This particular flower is tough like a sword, and its species name, ‘mutabilis’, means ‘changeable’, another allusion to math music. Finally, the sun shines across the piece and signifies illumination of form.
Thank you
Thank you to all the bands who have participated in makng our first compilation possible. We would also like to thank the following people for their cooperation in the project: Sho at Bakuretsu Records; s0nezak1, y0den, b0n0 and Abe of Atlantis Airport; Yoshi at No Big Deal Records; Yamazaki Kazuto; and Takayuki of Low-pass.