We at Fecking Bahamas are proud to finally present our fifth region-specific compilation, and the first off the press for 2017: Fecking Bahamas V. Ireland. Ireland is the home of many classic math rock and instrumental bands have helped champion the revitalization of the UK scene: ASIWYFA, Enemies, Adebisi Shank, Alarmist, and The Redneck Manifesto. Each of these bands feature in our sampler. In addition, we have the up-and-comers, the underdogs, and the sadly defunct bands. We can never get them all on board, so make sure you also check out our World Of Math map for other suggestions. And if you like what you hear, please remember to support the bands by purchasing their tunes via the links below.

Featured artists:

1. ASIWYFA (asiwyfa.bandcamp.com/)
2. Chancer (chancermusic.bandcamp.com)
3. WeAreKnives (weareknives.bandcamp.com)
4. Leo Drezden (leodrezden.bandcamp.com)
5. Alarmist (alarmist.bandcamp.com)
6. Yonen (yonenmusic.bandcamp.com)
7. The Redneck Manifesto (theredneckmanifesto.bandcamp.com)
8. BATS (bats.bandcamp.com)
9. Val Normal (valnormal.bandcamp.com)
10. Guy Montag (guymontag.bandcamp.com)
11. Ten Past Seven (tenpastseven.bandcamp.com)
12. Skyhighatry (skyhighatry.bandcamp.com)
13. Psychojet (psychojet.bandcamp.com)
14. Punch Face Champion (punchfacechampions.bandcamp.com)
15. Ganglions (ganglions.bandcamp.com)
16. Well Hooray For Silence (wellhoorayforsilence.bandcamp.com/)
17. Philharmongrel (philharmongrel.bandcamp.com)
18. Adebisi Shank (adebisishank.bandcamp.com/)
19. Milo (milo6.bandcamp.com/)
20. Enemies (enemiesmusic.bandcamp.com/)
21. OST (bonus track) (originalsoundtrack.bandcamp.com)

Our artwork explained

1614075_767966753308121_1795233507707616351_oBecause we don’t have an artistic bone in our collective bodies, we requested a random word from three bands featured in the sampler, and then presented said words to an Irish artist for an improvised sketch. In the end we chose The Redneck Manifesto Philharmongrel and Leo Drezden for their words ‘friendship’, ‘wolfhound’ and ‘lunar’, respectively. We then gave these words to illustrator Shane Harrington of OST fame, to improvise a drawing. The end result is one of our favourites yet!

Thank you

Massive thanks to all the bands that agreed to get on board and help spread the word. Big shout out to Cathy and crew at Sargent House for letting us choose tracks from the Irish bands on their roster. Thanks to Shane Harrington for constructing the best goddamn artwork we could have hoped for. And thanks to you for checking out the compilation and seeing what Ireland has to offer.