We at Fecking Bahamas are proud to finally present our sixth region-specific compilation: Fecking Bahamas VI. Argentina. While I. Japan revealed the pop-influenced nature of Japanese math rock, and IV. France showed the noisier and abrasive side of French math rock, our newest compilation presents the distinctly moody and emotive Argentinian math rock. The region offers a distinct blend of post-rock flavoured math with a strong sense of emotion of melody. It is also home to many exciting acts. Of course, we can never get all of Argentina’s talent on board, so make sure you also check out our World Of Math map for other suggestions. And if you like what you hear, please remember to support the bands by purchasing their tunes via the links below.

Featured artists:

1. Defórmica (deformica.bandcamp.com)
2. archipiélagos (archipielagos.bandcamp.com)
3. Diente de Oro (dientedeoro.bandcamp.com)
4. Kjjjjjjjjj (kjjjjjjjjj.bandcamp.com)
5. Méjico (mejico.bandcamp.com)
6. Programa (programa.bandcamp.com)
7. Los Días (sonlosdias.bandcamp.com)
8. YON (yyoonn.bandcamp.com)
9. dislexia free (dislexiafree.bandcamp.com)
10. f o t o g r a m a s (fotogramasmusica.bandcamp.com)
11. Malviaje (malviajemusica.bandcamp.com)
12. Burning Metro (burningmetro.bandcamp.com)
13. Lascavx (lascavx.bandcamp.com)
14. Ala Plaza (alaplaza.bandcamp.com)
15. Kimba (kimba.bandcamp.com/releases)
16. Hungria (hungria.bandcamp.com)
17. Fase (fasemixdowntemp.bandcamp.com)
18. Rey Onírico (reyonirico.bandcamp.com)
19. Mueble (mueble.bandcamp.com)
20. Aylu (aylu.bandcamp.com)

Our artwork explained

1614075_767966753308121_1795233507707616351_oAs is the Fecking custom, we requested a random word from three bands featured in the sampler, and then presented said words to an Argentinian artist for an improvised sketch. In the end the bands chose the words ‘seed’, ‘birth’ and ‘fridge’, respectively. We then gave these words to Argentinian illustrator Diego Manatrizio (Tölva) to improvise a drawing. The end result is one of our favourites yet!

Thank you

We would like to thank Juan Godfrid, who lead the curation of this wonderful compilation. Massive thanks to all the bands that agreed to get on board and help spread the word. Shout out to anomalia, Argentina’s one and only math rock festival. And finally a big thank you to Diego Manatrizio (Tölva) for the fine album artwork.