Back in the day, Speed of Sound in Seawater was an emo math rock powerhouse, surging to the top of millennial breakout lists Covet and Hail the Sun. Their 2009 and 2010 Red / Blue Versions are still routinely observed as West Coast math rock at it’s most exemplary, with many newer acts citing them as in influence as they explore the unknown depths of even the most recent past.

In fact, once they come across Speed of Sound in Seawater, newcomers might be a bit confused. Didn’t the band break up? Essentially yes, but the band’s main songwriter Damien Verret didn’t stop writing music, and much of it wasn’t entirely dissimilar from the old material – somehow, it was closer to The Speed of Sound in Seawater than his actual solo act, So Much Light.

But after all these years, things are finally simplified. Taking the delivery established with So Much Light to explore The Speed of Sound in Seawater’s dynamic, Verrett can move forward on both fronts as TSOSIS, and you can hear the first single “Snake Eat Tail” below.


“Snake Eat Tail” is the first single from the first TSOSIS full length, Second Nature, which was just announced yesterday. Remember how in the intro we said they came up with bands like Covet? We actually just met Damien a few months ago in Vegas opening for them, and caught the song above, and many more from the record, fully in the wild. Rest assured, Damien is fully able to deliver their signature guitar lines while crooning away with a newfound confidence.

From what we could tell, whenever more officially drops from Verrett, it will explore a number of new creative avenues and influences, and while slightly relaxed compared to the tense, mile-a-minute pace of yesteryear, it’s still distinctly Damien. Also, technically, Damien isn’t alone – TSOSIS is Damien and Waverly Cook on drums, with the bass on the record being recorded by Matt Coate. There are also a number of backing vocalists present. Regardless of who is here and who isn’t, Verrett is at it again with the ear worms, and as always, we’re happy to take them in.

Yeah right in the ear holes, little ear worms. That’s the spot. Don’t forget to pre-order Send Nature here and buy us a coffee sometime here because our veins are tiny little bridges and our little blood cells don’t cross unless they got a pep in their step. It’s not up to us, we work for a living! Anyway, coming upcoming East Coast // Midwest mixtape, Cloutchaser, Viscosity : medium, Lux, and more. Thanks for reading! Like, in general. People do it less and less. Not us, we’re fine, like… books and stuff. Sorry. We’ll go now.
