Since forming in 2017, Standards have proven to be a vibrant math-rock duo. Their self-titled EP was released just last spring and they've already prepared a basket of delectable, juicy songs for us to enjoy.
Falcon Punch were as explosive as they were elusive. In a mere matter of weeks in 2014, the Canadian band dropped a track to widespread acclaim and were subsequently scooped up by London label Blood and Biscuits
As well as being lauded masters of beefy riffs, Memory of Elephants write songs that are to the point. The Bristol trio is not one to dawdle, dilly-dally or beat around the bush with unnecessary interludes and musical platitudes...
Indie rock god Rob Crow has become somewhat of a demigod in the math rock realm. His collaborations have included Zach Hill, Spencer Seim, Carson McWhirter and Nick Reinhart. We take a proper dive into Rob Crow's back catalogue in this new focus feature...
What makes a virtuoso; an incredible musician? Query google, “world’s greatest guitarist”, and doubtless your browser will be awash with well-maned men sicking up harmonic minor scales, gurning into the abyss