EXCLUSIVE // Stream ‘Eyes Like Mouths’, the brand new track from Ishmael


The word ‘Ishmael’ is always rewarding. The book of the same name provides the origin of the band name ‘Animals As Leaders’; the literary protagonist of the same name narrates the grim fable of deep-rooted megalomania; and, in more recent times, the band of the same name indulge the senses with inexhaustible rhapsody.

So, of course, we were delighted to hear that Brooklyn-based trio, Ishmael, had treated us with a new single from their forthcoming EP, Mention. It was only a few months ago that they taunted everybody with their single, ‘Fraidy Cat’, which harnessed a brand new, more intense sound than their first album. The new single, however, recaptures the tight jazz-inspired character pertinent to their previous album, Lotic, incorporating additive rhythms and sudden time changes. Their knack for creating subtle math rock combined with hints of jazz, progressive, and post-rock results in a unique, atmospheric timbre is ever-present here.

Fecking Bahamas, along with New Jersey label All Sounds, are proud to bring you this exclusive premier of ‘Eyes Like Mouths’. Mention will be released via All Sounds later this year. Ishmael is their first signed band and, judging by this impressively structured single, their EP will be setting a high bar for the label’s roster.

Make sure you hit up Ishmael on their Facebook page and/or bandcamp page.