Every once in a while, it just sort of sneaks up on you that you genuinely miss a band – maybe you’re not even heartbroken or upset, maybe you’ve just got unanswered questions, wish you had similar options, or simply miss your buds.
For instance, it wasn’t that long ago we were going through all of the animalistic math rock bands we know of, and boom, it hit us that we really missed Sloth and Turtle.
It was just a good thing, you know? They were like a heavier Hikes. But it’s important to remind yourself that just because something is gone, doesn’t mean something good won’t take it’s place, and while we might not get any new SnT any time soon, we do have some of their best qualities pushed even further into new territories by Good Death.
Guitarist / bass player Nico Molinari and drummer Linden Reed sound like they’ve upped their game since reprising their rolls on Caerdroia, with spiked, unpredictable melodies racing through a myriad of rhythms like a bat out of hell. You know we like it that way, and this ain’t an exception – however, what’s most interesting is that there are familiar elements, yet a unique voice shaping up within the space of the songs. It sounds like Sloth and Turtle, but… more, despite the fact that it’s half the band.
There’s some Save Us From the Archon, but also some OG math rock and mathcore vibes thanks to the presence of some super sick Whammy Pedal moments. Songs like “ghost of mine” and “test flight” almost tip things toward metallic, post-hardcore friendly parts of the spectrum, occasionally even reminding us of bands like Edhochuli, God Alone, and As Living Arrows.
Really, vocals aren’t even needed when the instrumentals have a voice this present, but there will always be that portion of the audience that simply can’t accept a band without… words, or something, we never figured it out. Being instrumental can be weird. Generally, people just want a melody they can hum along to or comprehend, and Good Death has a generous supply of those on hand – we’d be open to a vocalist in the band, but they’d better be great if they think they’re going to add anything to Good Death. As it stands, the ripping Caerdroia doesn’t need it – it’s fantastic as it is.
(Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more music, check out our Bandcamp compilations here. If you like us, or possibly even love us, donations are always appreciated at the Buy Me A Coffee page here, but if you’re in a generous mood you can also donate to folks like Doctors Without Borders, the PCRF, Charity Water, Kindness Ranch, One Tail at A Time, Canopy Cat Rescue, or Best Friends Animal Sanctuary that could probably use it more – click on their names above to check ‘em out if you’re so inclined. Thanks again!)