Tom’s Story – S/T (2016)

On January 30th, 2016 the tri-part group out of Metro Manila, Philippines, Tom’s Story, released their first full-length and self-titled album. Being their premier album, Tom’s Story gives an honest display of where from their musical influences derive. We hear the deep affection characteristically crafted and shamelessly styled by Mid-Western emo. We hear the abrupt honesty of punk ridden math. We hear the smooth inflows of clean riffs and drum hits markedly Japanese. This album resembles the experience of nostalgia. Like what was before has been reinvigorated and made anew.

Just sit and listen. Like so many inexplicably effective albums, Tom’s Story transports the mind to old places with old friends doing things you used to do. Somehow the notes and beats canvas a cinematic landscape pulling you to and from your past. Fluid head-bobbing paces and drops, moving forwards with a constant intensity–dramatically uplifting, yet an internal calm pervades.

This album is a spectacular gift to the international math community so early in the year. I am excited to see how Tom’s Story innovates as musicians technically and emotionally in the remainder of the year. Set some time aside to give this album a listen. It is worth every second of memory retrieved.

File Under

Post rock, instrumental, soothing, emo, mixed bags

Sounds A Tad Like

toe, TTNG, tide/edit


$7US (Bandcamp)

