Noxious Foxes – EPOCHALYPSO (2013)

Justin Talbott and Richard Levengood met in college through peers with a shared appreciation for At The Drive-In, and eventually both settled in Brooklyn to become Noxious Foxes, the most incredibly wacky loop-based music you will probably ever hear. In Epochalypso, Justin’s oddball guitar noodles are piled on top of equally oddball chord progressions, which are then put on top of bizarro electronica, all compartmentalized (or decompartmentalized) with Richard’s powerful Zach Hill-like polyrhythmic drumming. In the opener ‘The Boy George Michael Jackson Browne Note’, you can hear exactly this: Noxious Foxes slowly but surely build their eccentric musical pyramid to a great height. Modesty starts to become a thing of the horizon. This beautiful disjunctive mess is occasionally dashed by bolder guitar reverb, which bring some composure to the wackiness. But this is short-lived, and nothing can stop these lads returning to their magnificent sounding bedlam.

Epochalypso is a really strong experimental release, oozing with imagination and a lack of care for convention.

File Under

Math rock, experimental, progressive, wacky, instrumental, disjointed riffs, angularity, electronic, odd rhythms, bizarro

Sounds A Tad Like

Macho Muchacho, Hella, Pneu


Name Your Price (Bandcamp)
