two brothers


When we first really started jamming Two Brothers and hearing what they were all about, we had actually posted about them on social media several times. Long time social media collaborator Nick Van Meter had been plugging the band consistently, until finally one day, we finally asked, “okay, Nick, who are these brothers, and why are you obsessed with them?”

And then we checked them out. It turned out, they weren’t actually brothers, but obviously, the rest is history. It all happened so fast, but not so fast we didn’t get the chance to nab a live print of “Giving Up the Ghost”, the band’s raging single, for our most recent compilation.

Now, we actually can see the performance first hand, and it’s quite a sight. When you hear “Give Up the Ghost” on the compilation, it’s got just the right amount of spice for you to be excited to see it live, yet not question how it could be pulled off live, if that makes any sense. However, after watching the video, you can’t help but wonder:

“How the hell did they pull that off live?”

Check it out below.


It’s a nice little room they’ve got over there at Music Freq’s it seems, and a good sounding one, too. One can’t help but notice the main attraction though – the guys and their gear. Normally we wouldn’t nerd out TOO hard in an article focused mainly on their video, but it actually presents another angle from which to analyze Two Brothers altogether.

Two of the bands that have most consistently come to mind when trying to compare Two Brothers to others are Fear Before the March of Flames and Exotic Animal Petting Zoo. While both of those projects’ haunted-children vibes live on in subtle ways through “Giving Up the Ghost,” as well as elsewhere on the band’s debut Star Thief, it seems there just may be some thrash-metal influence lurking underneath the surface. Maybe we’ll see some of that surface in the future? They debut certainly does have its heavy points… we’ll have to wait and see.

Either way, these two (three) bros seem to have more than enough tricks up their sleeves regardless of context or comparison to keep it interesting, and here’s hoping the band releases more of the session soon, or… you know… finds some time to start writing a follow up soon.

They might not be bros, but rest assured, they are math rock fam. Don’t forget to check out their debut here and if you want us to spill insanely hot liquids onto our keyboards and lick it up for sustenance, maybe even live on Twitch, you can do that here. We don’t make the rules. Or the money. Coming up we’ve got all kinds of stuff from all kinds of people, but first thing is first – enjoy your weekend, and thanks for reading!