Well, this was unexpected – People Food, friends from the Philadelphia area known for purveying tasty prog and hot sauce, hit us up with a new single. Which of course, is not unexpected – this happens to us fairly regularly and it’s part of what makes the blog go round.
But it’s not everyday a single as bonkers as this finds its way into our ear canals – to say People Food’s new single is preposterous is, essentially, an understatement. It’s like a benevolent kick in the head, with all kinds of new things happening at once. Oh, what’s it called? We’re glad you asked.
Check out “Opening a portal to the Barons castle to liberate the spirit brahmin via mass evisceration of the unhungry (piss on jazz)” below:
What a time, right? Doesn’t seem they were completely kidding around when they decreed the above phrase to be the song’s title. Walking bass lines, seventies-Pink Floyd psychedelia, chunky arpeggios, chromatic riffs at ramming speed in the style of Protest the Hero… what’s not to love?
Overall, it’s actually kind of a marvel that somehow the song feels like one fluid motion, despite a ton of changes being thrown at you like you’re in some kind of aural obstacle course. But hey, we like a challenge and they know we do, and we don’t consider ourselves any kind of legitimate arbiters but if we were, People Food have proven themselves beyond worthy, with bonus points being awarded for the sauciest song title of the year so far.
(Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more music, check out our Bandcamp compilations here. If you like us, or possibly even love us, donations are always appreciated at the Buy Me A Coffee page here, but if you’re in a generous mood you can also donate to folks like Doctors Without Borders, the PCRF, Charity Water, Kindness Ranch, One Tail at A Time, Canopy Cat Rescue, or Best Friends Animal Sanctuary that could probably use it more – click on their names above to check ‘em out if you’re so inclined. Thanks again!)