You know, there was never a world in which Adebisi Shank wouldn’t live in our hearts forever, but to have them back genuinely feels like a dream come true.
The world has changed a lot since their third and formerly final release, This is The Third Album of Adebisi Shank. At a time where it feels like there’s no point trying to quantify the decay of western society and its global repercussions, a little joy goes a long way, and this new single provides exactly that.
If only for a moment, jump around and check out the brand new video for “Start a Band” below.
Starting a band is good for you, it’s just a fact. It gets you out of the house, it gets your thoughts expressed, and looks incredible on a resume. Well, not really the resume part, but that’s not important – the strait laced job economy is hardly in the cards for you, starving artist. This is your calling, and Adebisi Shank knows it.
If you need any proof, just watch the video – those are the spastic frog leaps and incognito feats of badassery that just might await you if you go ahead and start that band. We’ll never know, and neither will you, if you don’t. You just keep us posted.
(Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more music, check out our Bandcamp compilations here. If you like us, or possibly even love us, donations are always appreciated at the Buy Me A Coffee page here, but if you’re in a generous mood you can also donate to folks like Doctors Without Borders, the PCRF, Charity Water, Kindness Ranch, One Tail at A Time, Canopy Cat Rescue, or Best Friends Animal Sanctuary that could probably use it more – click on their names above to check ‘em out if you’re so inclined. Thanks again!)