No Edits


Seattle is a place that hardly needs an introduction when it comes to fostering great music, and we’re not just talking about the whole grunge revolution thing. It’s just one of those places that has all the necessary ingredients for a lot of creative people, even if it’s in a begrudging way.

But apart from the obvious 90’s ones like Nirvana, Soundgarden, and Alice In Chains, there’s been hundreds more, many of them even more adjacent to prog and math rock. Minus the Bear might have been the most influential one now that we think about it, but now, we can at least add another bullet point to the city’s legacy of awesome tunes with No Edits.

The band just put out a new album called We All End Up The Same, a maxim that’s occupied our minds a lot this week, and they recorded it at one of the coolest studios in the area, Robert Lang Studios. It’s got ghosts, caves, great sound, and great engineers. That wasn’t supposed to sound like a commercial we’ve just been there a couple times and it’s pretty sweet.

Anyway – check it out “Time You Kill” on Bandcamp below for a taste of No Edits.

No Edits has a not so secret weapon that’s noticeable right away, being the perfectly grating vocals. Being that math rock and the band’s championed ‘angular music’ are more known for being instrumental, it’s a breathe of fresh of air to hear a distinct new voice in the shout-y section. If it makes any sense, it’s more A Wilhelm Scream than Fall of Troy.

Also it took some digging, but the band used to be called Textures, there was something about the art on the Bandcamp page we couldn’t shake, so it makes sense now that we caught this one literally day of release. It’s also cool to see mentions of idiosyncratic gems like Jawbox and Chavez as musical touchstones there because despite having different sounds, those bands are weird as hell while playing straight from the gut. Or heart. Whatever you play from when the music is both dope and honest. So far, it seems the band has a keen eye for the things that matter, and don’t care so much for making it pretty. And not to be cheesy, but that’s kind of what makes it beautiful. Was that too much?

Check it out in full here.

(Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more music, check out our Bandcamp compilations here. If you like us, or possibly even love us, donations are always appreciated at the Buy Me A Coffee page here, but if you’re in a generous mood you can also donate to folks to organizations like the PCRF, Doctors Without Borders, and Best Friends Animal Sanctuary who could definitely use it more. XO!