Job Creators


Honestly, new Job Creators couldn’t have come at a better time, what with this economy and all. Lay-offs, who? Not for this New York duo – just the opposite, in fact.

The band is rolling out their debut LP Love Monster today, and if you’re familiar with the site, you’ve likely gotten a taste of what these tentacle-tastic lads are capable of. Embedding new wave texture and groove with math rock, indie, and psychedelic prog, it’s a ship on a current all its own.

Check out the single “Lighthouse,” below.

While not necessarily a direct concept album, Job Creators manage to effectively sew their sinewy sound to the idea of an actual voyage, and the monsters that can’t help but interrupt it. Tracks like “Cargo Hold,” “Realm Render” and “Love Monster” show off the band’s unique handle on using samples as narrative, which is a math rock staple, but they really layer it there with the synths, bass, and drums. They all sort of take turns in either assisting or expanding on the themes these disembodied heads being to light, which helps everything feel related, even if we don’t know how.

There’s a point in the middle of the record, around “Midnight Meeting” where things actually get surprisingly deep, even for these waters – as “Quorumtine” shatters the hovering, pandemic-themed interlude that came before it, featuring a uniquely sweet and sour twist, like Lightning Bolt trying their hand at something trance-y. What really is the Love Monster, anyway? Or who? The band heads back to shore on “Lighthouse,” with a jangling bass line that just can’t wait to reach solid ground as it hops and skips impatiently around the deck. But once they get there, post-encounter, are they ever the same? Possibly not, but that’s just fine with us.

Perhaps two of the most unique tracks here show up at the very end with “Rite of the Raconteur“ and Wild Call.” Sure to be favorites for a number of readers, they fully disclose the album’s intention and releasing it for all to see and/or absorb. The former song’s got a very fitting sample too, but we won’t spoil it – just dance and find out for yourself, because the Love Monster is worth it. Even if it changes you.

Apply today and check out the rest of their stuff on Bandcamp here – or buy us a chai tea latte abomination here. Now that you’re gainfully employed, you can even do both! Coming up we’ve got Sawce, Dylan Lounsberry, Ssighborggg, and more! Yes, eventually we’re gonna get the East Coast comp done, as well as sort out the world of math – but you’ll have to wait. Life is crazy right now. Enjoy the weekend!