Derby’s You Slut! are probably the funniest band we know. Their music is just as hyperactive as their personalities, if their recent cover of the theme music for BBC’s Grandstand, is anything to go by (it is). This week we passed the Tip Ya Hat baton to drummer Darren Cook and received this nostalgia-rich gem…

“I very much doubt that when Fleetwood Mac began writing their 1977 classic album Rumours, they had the soundtrack to a pre-pubescent boy’s late 80’s Welsh family holiday in mind. To be honest, with all the cocaine knocking around at the time and the nervous breakdowns ensuing, they probably never expected it to be released at all.

But it’s that unlikely juxtaposition that makes Rumours my complete favourite, and most influential album of all time. Every mention of a devastating in-band relationship break-up reminds me of scrambling through the sand dunes with a sledge tucked under my arm. Every drug addled lyric is me playing football barefoot on the beach as the sea crashes in.

I’ve owned it on just about every conceivable format and listened to it – without fail – every year since. There’s just something so great about listening to the utter capitulation of a band, set over a nice summery pop beat. It’s so good, in fact, that they felt the need to leave ‘Silver Springs’, which is an absolute classic in its own right, off the original release. And yet the song still manages to transport me back to 1980’s Wales, even though I never even heard it there.”