Last week, Eastern seaboard math rock champions Things Amazing and Elders split skulls with a new split EP. It’s a lean, mean, chilling machine, and represents some of the most exciting material from either band to date.

They’re selling the album on these excellent looking little blue tapes as well, complete with a very badass looking t-shirt. But more on that at the end. For now, check out the drum play through below of “Dogtooth,” the second track from Things Amazing.

We’re hoping this is a good sign that we’ll be getting more material from either band soon enough, but only time will tell. We guess it’s also possible the Elders half could be songs that didn’t make it onto their eclectic 2018 EP, or ones that have at least been around since then. “CR1” is multifaceted as hell though, so maybe not? Either way, we eagerly await whatever’s next from them.

The Things Amazing side is very consistent as well, with “Dust” serving as a perfect opportunity to experiment with the formula that made their Better Things EP such a hoot. “Dogtooth” has an almost And So I Watch You From Afar feel to it with it’s happy go lucky single-coil tones and adventurous attitude.

In the end, Elders and Things Amazing are more than just a sensible pairing born from location. Both bands represent a swath of East Coast and Midwest influences coming together, however subtle. Atlanta has always been a special city when it comes to music and popular cultural in general. People might recognize Brody Taylor Smith up there from Satyr. Hyper Olympic played the split’s EP release show with Champagne Colored Cars, two bands blazing entirely seperate but very related paths through similar territory. I’m currently wearing a Death on Two Wheels shirt I got when I was nineteen. Yes I know they’re not very math rock.

Ultimately what we’re trying to say is that we love the scene down there, that we’re stoked to see it thriving, and that the Elders / Things Amazing split serves as an excellent snapshot of thing coming together.

Check out the record here and get your hands on some of those sweet, sweet bundles for the holidays.