Perth has another up and coming standout when it comes to flood, a band that takes the excitement of early 2000’s post-rock and distills it into focused, math-y, indie flavored nuggets.

They have a pretty immediate sense of appeal, like if Delta Sleep and Mogwai had a baby, but do yourself a favor and check out their new single “Kintsugi.” This word refers to the Japanese practice of fixing or mending something with gold, often coupled with the idea of creating space for asymmetrical, but beautiful imperfection.

It’s very math rock when you think about it. Almost too math rock. Stream “Kintsugi” below.


The massive bass swell at the beginning sounds like a garbage truck getting sucked up into outer space, much like the interstellar communication of Despot‘s Pass of Change. These are the kinds of feelings we want to be experiencing when listening to post-rock, and the best part is that’s not even really what flood is. They just have that sense of scope.

“Kintsugi”‘s ginger pacing is far too lively to get stuck with the post-rock label, but their seemingly expansive sense of vision is luckily paired by some pretty slick execution. None of the instruments slouch – everyone’s fun to listen to, and the interplay is fairly thrilling without being overwhelming. What is slightly overwhelming is how much ground the band covers in an entirely organic ways before half the song is over. It’s pretty impressive, because it doesn’t come across like a look at us thing. They’re downright demure about it. We really liked their other single “Blue” as well, so all in all we’re stoked for whatever’s next for the band, whether it’s an EP, LP, split, or even just another single. We’ll take what we can get.

(Thanks for reading! If you’re looking for more music, check out our Bandcamp compilations here. If you like us, or possibly even love us, donations are always appreciated at the Buy Me A Coffee page here, but if you’re in a generous mood you can also donate to folks like Doctors Without Borders, the PCRF, Charity Water, Kindness Ranch, One Tail at A Time, or Best Friends Animal Sanctuary that could probably use it more – click on their names above to check ‘em out if you’re so inclined. Thanks again!)