It might come to no surprise to listeners who have followed the progress of 'third wave' emo, whose twinkly roots lie in the sad states of the middle US, that Illinois's Brownie Mountain's Midwest Chic does not fall far from the proverbial tree
Emo is a word that has come to mean so many things to so many different people, so to use it in popular musical discussion is to invite confusion. Any label that is invoked to speak of Rites of Spring, My Chemical Romance, Cap’n Jazz and Foxing is one whose use as an adjective is majorly in question.
Like most Internet denizens, we here at Fecking Bahamas have a soft-spot for math-rock hailing from Japan. Despite the language barrier, the quality and quantity of their math-rock output has earned the country quite the reputation. Here, we chat to Ryo from PENS+ about the name, Bandcamp and the term 'math rock'.